
exposure compensation中文是什么意思

  • 曝光补偿刻度



  • 例句与用法
  • Exposure compensation can be set within the range of 4 ev in 0 . 5 ev increments
  • Although exposure compensation is disabled in manual , its function can be duplicated by skewing the iso setting as necessary
  • In addition . in cases where the subjects are too far away from cameras or where filters are used , certain exposure compensations are needed
  • Naturally , exposure compensation cannot be set in manual operation because the desired compensation indicator when setting the aperture and shutter speed
  • Note that the viewfinder display may vary slightly according to the current shutter speed and settings ( i . e . , ae lock , exposure metering , flash , bulb , and exposure compensation settings )
  • In manual operation or exposure compensation , the exposure indicator in the viewfinder display indicates the difference between the correct exposure value ( ev ) and the current exposure compensation setting
    手动操作或补偿曝光时,取景器显示的曝光指示灯表示正确曝光量( ev )和当前曝光补偿设置的差值。
  • Date and time , camera settings ( exposure mode , shutter speed , aperture value , exposure compensation value , metering method , flash on off , camera sensitivity , white balance setting , focal length , etc . ) , color space
    日期及时间、相机设定(曝光模式、快门速度、光圈值、曝光补偿值、测光方法、开启关闭闪灯、相机感光度、白色平衡设定、焦距等) 、彩色色域
  • Stores photographic data of up to 7 rolls of 36 exposures on aperture , lens focal length , exposure compensation exposure bracketing increments , shutter speed , flash compensation flash bracketing increments ( including flash on off status ) , exposure mode , and metering mode
    可以储存7卷36格菲林的光圈、镜头焦距、曝光补偿包围式曝光增减值、快门速度、闪灯补偿包围式闪灯增减值(包括:闪灯开启开关状态) 、曝光模式及测光模式等拍摄资料
  • 百科解释
Exposure compensation is a technique for adjusting the exposure indicated by a photographic exposure meter, in consideration of factors that may cause the indicated exposure to result in a less-than-optimal image. Factors considered may include unusual lighting distribution, variations within a camera system, filters, non-standard processing, or intended underexposure or overexposure.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
exposure compensation的中文翻译,exposure compensation是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译exposure compensation,exposure compensation的中文意思,exposure compensation的中文exposure compensation in Chineseexposure compensation的中文exposure compensation怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
